by Concept Interactive



Today’s parents and students want information and content right at their fingertips and with the SchoolBundle app you can provide that ease of access. Your app, pulling information directly from your existing systems, is branded for your district with:o Dynamic contento News and Announcementso Eventso Timetableso Scheduleso Grades, Homework and Assignmentso Directories for staff and facultyo Buseso Student Information - Emergency contacts, allergies, and moreo Notifications All of this and more, sharing communications from the school or district on a secure channel directly with parents, guardians and students. Users are able to:o See all of their children in one appo Filter content by specific studentso Use single-sign on from Facebook or Googleo Control how and where they receive notifications from right in the app, choosing Push, SMS and Emailo Select notifications by type including news, emergencies, updates and eventso See details for all class, club and school calendars in one placeo Make purchases for the school store, school trips, lunches and moreo View their child(ren)s grades, absences and information The information presented in the SchoolBundle app is drawn from the same source as your website. Privacy controls restrict sensitive information only to authorized users.